May 16, 2012

Family Wellness Month

It’s hard to believe that May is upon us, and with it of course comes spring weather. In Oklahoma, however,that actually means warm summer weather! Memorial Day marks the return of family get-togethers which means lots of good food, BBQ, fried chicken, potato salad, and yummy desserts. Which all coincides with something May is a little less well known for -- Family Wellness Month.

Never heard of it?  Well Family Wellness Month is a way to publicize healthy family lifestyles and habits. The healthier each individual family is, the healthier an entire community can be overall.  And then maybe Oklahoma could break our cycle of being one of the 10 UNHEALTHIEST states in the nation!  Yuck!

What is important to remember is that the choices, habits, and activities we make now continue for a long time.  Here are some healthy ideas of things you can do with your family to increase your family’s emotional, physical, and mental wellness this month that will hopefully transform into healthier habits that will last the rest of the year!

Take your children or grandchildren to a neighborhood park, swing on the swings or play on the teeter totter.  They do still have them, right?  Even better, if there is a playground close by, just walk to get a little extra exercise.  The key word is “move”.   Move off the couch and out into the yard, the park, walk at the mall, just move!

Change your eating habits.  Even making a few small changes can make a difference. Eating lean meats, more fruits and veggies results in fewer bulges around the tummy and more energy to do the things you enjoy!  It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat a piece of fried chicken or indulge in your favorite dessert…moderation and portions are the key.  Watch your portions!  Do not supersize your food, rather eat smaller portions which can equal getting into those favorite pair of shorts!

So this May get your family started on the choices that will last them and you a lifetime and embrace Family Wellness Month by making your family just a little healthier!  

-Karen Walker, LPC, LMFT, LADC, Director of Service Operations

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