June 09, 2010

Spotlight on CCFI's executive director Katie Fitzgerald

It has been my dream to run an agency that centers around children and families.  My work at the Center for Children and Families, Inc. is an absolute joy and the pinnacle of my career.  What led me to work for CCFI was the chance to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and their families.
When it comes down to it - life is all about relationships.  The quality of the relationships we have in life - particularly early in life - fundamentally shape who we become.  Every child deserves to have caring, nurturing relationships in his / her life so they can realize their full potential.  Knowing that these children - and families - depend on CCFI for healing and for the chance to maximize their full potential in life is all the motivation I need at CCFI.

I hail from Lansing, Michigan and have been around the field of child development since I was young - my father is a respected researcher and educator in the field of infant mental health.  Being exposed to topics of children's health and development from an early age has certainly had a hand in guiding my passion to work with vulnerable children and families.
My husband, Brad, myself, and our two kids (now three!) moved to Norman five years ago when he accepted a job as a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma.  What a difference world Oklahoma is from Michigan, yet how encouraging to find the common thread in those dedicated to helping children.

I was asked recently what my best day has been so far at CCFI.  The day and moment I remember most involved a child who has been in treatment for healing the abuse and neglect she experienced.  As she was about to leave our building she said to her foster-mom, "I love you, mommy." Her foster-mom said, "I love you too," That sums up the reason I, our staff, and volunteers are here every day...for moments like those.

- Katie

More about Katie:
Katie Fitzgerald brings more than fifteen years of experience working in the non-profit sector focusing on improving policies and programs that serve vulnerable children and their families.  her experiences include serving as a program director for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, as well as holding several leadership positions with United Way.  She has worked as a non-profit consultant and in higher education as a program director with the University of Oklahoma and adjunct faculty at Western Michigan University.

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